Rembrandt & Co.

Rembrandt van Rijn and Jan Steen, both important building blocks of the Mauritshuis collection. We have highlighted two unique paintings for you.

Rembrandt van Rijn, The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Nicolaes Tulp, 1632

Rembrandt (1606 - 1669) portrayed the surgeons in action - they all look elsewhere. The performance is given extra dynamism due to the large light-dark contrast. With this group portrait, the young painter showed his fabulous painting technique and his great talent for painting lively portraits.

Jan Steen, 'Soo food sung, soo na peeped', c. 1668-1670

Steen (1626 - 1679) portrayed the proverb 'Soo feed sung, soo na peeped' here, bad example makes bad follow. The woman on the left with open décolleté can be poured again. On the right, the laughing father teaches one of his children to smoke a pipe. This is Steen himself.