Privacy policy

Privacy statement of the Mauritshuis webshop

Last modified December 4, 2018


1. About this privacy statement

This privacy statement explains which information we request from you in which situations and what we do to protect this data. We would like to let you know  about your rights and opportunities to manage your personal data and to protect your privacy. We will update this privacy statement if necessary.


This privacy policy applies to the services of the Mauritshuis webshop. Please be aware that Mauritshuis Online Shop is not responsible for the privacy policy of other sites and sources. By using the website you accept this privacy policy.


2. How do we use your personal data?

We use and analyse personal data for the following purposes:


2.1 Processing your order: we use relevant personal data (including your name, e-mail address and payment details) to process and deliver your order or to answer any questions or complaints about a product or order.


2.2 Tax: we are legally obliged to keep details of every purchase for seven years.


2.3. Improvement to products and services: we process your personal data to learn about how you use our products and services. This allows us to develop new products and services, improve our website, and also personalise it for you.


2.3. Marketing: if you register for our newsletters or purchase products, provide feedback or use our website, we will use your personal information to keep you informed of our activities.


2.4. We will ask for your permission if we wish to use your personal data for purposes other than those stated in this privacy statement, as required by applicable law. We will not use your personal data for any other purpose until we have received your permission from you.


3. How do we share your personal data?

We treat your personal information carefully and confidentially and do not share it with other third parties than mentioned below:


3.1 With service providers

We will only share the personal information you provide with our suppliers if this is strictly necessary for the performance of our services. These can be suppliers in the areas of hosting, transport, payment and fraud management, credit rating agencies, analysis platforms and shipping. We require that these third parties adhere to strict rules when processing your personal data, including the exclusive use of your personal data in accordance with the instructions of the Mauritshuis and the applicable legislation.    


3.2 With social networks

Our website can offer plug-ins from various social networks in certain situations. If you choose to communicate with a social network, such as Facebook or Twitter, your activities on our website or via our apps will also be made available on that social network. If you are logged into one of these social networks during your visit to our website or communicate via one of the social plug-ins, the social network based on your privacy settings can add this information to your profile on this network. If you wish to prevent the sharing of your data in this manner, you must log out of your social network before using one of our websites. Read the privacy policy of these social networks about the collection and transfer of personal data, the rights you have and how you can tailor the privacy settings to your wishes.


3.3 With legal and law enforcement authorities

We will release personal data if required by the laws or legal procedures, for the benefit of the judiciary, to protect your interests, for investigations by law enforcement or regulatory authorities, to protect and defend property rights and legal rights of the Mauritshuis, to guarantee the personal safety of users of the Mauritshuis website or (mobile) apps, or to issue a valid order by a court or law enforcement agency.


4. How do we protect and store your personal data?

We are committed to protecting your personal data and take appropriate technical and organisational security measures to protect your personal data from unauthorised or unlawful processing and unintentional loss, destruction or damage. We keep your personal data as long as necessary for maintaining the relationship with you. Hereby we comply with all legally stipulated retention periods.


5. What are your rights in relation to your personal data

We are open about the personal data we collect and have arranged it so that you can exercise all your rights in relation to your personal data.


5.1 Withdraw permission

If we have obtained permission in connection with your personal data (for example to receive newsletters or to place cookies on your device), you can withdraw this consent at any time by contacting us or by changing your  cookie preferences yourself.


5.2 Access to, deletion and correction of personal data

You can submit an application free of charge to us to retrieve the personal data collected about you. Our contact details are stated in article 7 of this privacy statement. After receiving your application and sufficient information to establish your identity, we will provide you with a copy of the personal data we hold about you and to which you are entitled under the applicable legislation. We will send you this information within one month of your request.


You can also ask us at any time to make certain changes to your personal details. You can also have your personal data blocked, erased or otherwise deleted. You may also contact us in writing to object to the use of your personal data, request to limit the use of it or request that we provide your personal data in a usable electronic format and transfer it to a third party (right to data portability).


Should you wish to submit a complaint despite our carefulness, you can do so via the website of the  Dutch Data Protection Authority.


5.3 Unsubscribe and unsubscribe for marketing messages

All our marketing communications contain a simple way to unsubscribe you from receiving further messages. If you want to unsubscribe from receiving marketing messages from the Mauritshuis, you can use the link for unregistration in the messages you have received. You can also contact the Department Store via  [email protected].


5.4 In some cases we may refuse your request, for example if you ask us to delete data that we need for tax reasons or as proof of complaints. If this is the case, you will hear from us as soon as possible.


6. Information that we automatically collect, including cookies

We collect information about the pages you visit on our website and how long you use them. A visit to our website ensures that data from your browser is sent to our servers. In this way, we collect personal data, such as your IP address, the date and time of the visit and how long you have stayed on our website, the referral URL (the site you came from), the visited pages and data about your device and the browser. We apply various technologies to collect and store data during your visit to our website and the use of our apps. This includes sending one or more cookies or other similar technologies to your device.


6.1 Our cookie policy

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. In this privacy statement we use 'cookies' as an umbrella term for technologies such as cookies, flash cookies and tracking pixels. They do not take up much space and are automatically removed when they are no longer valid. Some cookies expire at the end of your Internet session, while others are stored for a certain period of time. We use cookies mainly to ensure that your visit to our website is as pleasant as possible.


6.2 What are the different types of cookies that we use?

Cookies set by the Mauritshuis webshop are referred to as 'cookies from first parties'. Cookies set by external parties are called 'third-party cookies'. Third-party cookies ensure that functions or functionalities of third parties can be offered on or via the website (such as interactive content and analyses). The parties who set these third-party cookies can use this to recognise your computer or mobile, both during your visit to the relevant website and on certain other websites.


The most important cookies are the functional cookies. These are essential and help you navigate the website and use basic functions such as media plug-ins. We use performance and analytical cookies to improve our website.


Google Analytics

The Mauritshuis webshop uses cookies to keep track of web statistics (Google Analytics). This is information about how many visitors visit the website, which pages they view, where they come from and what they click on, which browser and screen resolution they use. This information is not redirected to an individual visitor.


Block cookies

Most internet browsers can be set up so that cookies are not accepted or that you are informed when you receive a cookie. The way you can do this depends on the browser you use. Please note that certain parts of the website will not function or will not function optimally when you block cookies. The way you can disable cookies differs per browser.


Delete cookies afterwards

After visiting the website you can choose to delete the cookies from your computer. How you can do this differs per browser.


6.3 What if you do not want to accept cookies?

You can change your browser settings to remove certain cookies or to prevent them from being stored on your computer or mobile device without your explicit permission. The "help" section in your browser provides more information about how to manage your cookie settings.


7. Our contact details

Do you have questions about our use of your personal data, how you can exercise your rights or our privacy statement? Please contact  [email protected]. If you prefer to send by post, you can go to the following address: Friends of the Mauritshuis Foundation, PO Box 536, 2501 CM The Hague.


 © Mauritshuis, The Hague December 4, 2018. Subject to change without notice.